equinoxEDU: Spotlight on VuFind Updates

Equinox EDU Spotlight

May 25, 2022 (1-2pm ET). Join us for a discussion about recent updates to VuFind! In this live webinar, we will present an overview of the VuFind discovery interface. We’ll look at recent enhancements made to VuFind and how your library can enhance discovery services for your patrons. This session is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about using VuFind.

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equinoxEDU: Spotlight on Going Fine Free

Equinox EDU Spotlight

April 27, 2022 (1-2pm ET). Join us to learn about Going Fine Free in your library! In this live webinar, we will present a series of considerations for any library contemplating a move to becoming a fine free library. We will explore what is involved in implementing a systematic shift to becoming fine free — either permanently or on a trial basis. Without focusing on any specific ILS, we will offer suggestions for data review, requirement definitions, and roll-out procedures.

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